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If you would like to be automatically notified about new Simio product releases, Simio news, and industry events you should subscribe to our News and Events RSS feed. You can find it by looking for the RSS Feed Button on some of the Simio web pages and toolbars. Or you can go directly to http://www.simio.com/rss/index.xml.


The result of subscribing to an RSS feed is that the feeds will be automatically updated and stored in your "RSS Folder". Many different programs will allow you to view the contents of that folder. For example, if you use Microsoft Outlook, look for a new Outlook folder called RSS Feeds. If you use Internet Explorer 7, look under the Favorites Center (Alt-C or the Star icon) and choose the tab labeled Feeds. You can consult the help in other applications to see if they support RSS Feeds.


Signing up will ensure that you are among the first to know about a new release or breaking news. Use the link above to sign up now while you are thinking about it. :-)

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Another way to be on the "early notice" list is to subscribe to forums.

If you click on any forum, in the upper right there is a "Subscribe Forum" button. This will cause you to be notified each time there is new activity. You might want to do this for every forum of interest, and particularly for the SI Downloads forum where new sprints are often posted before being made available to the general public.

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