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Rate tables not working


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hey Simio insiders,


I am experiencing a problem using rate tables. I want to utilize rate tables to generate a non-stationairy poisson process. I have generated a table with values for 21 hours and the last three hours should be 0. I thought i could either use a rate table with 24 intervals with the last 3 intervals given a value of 0 arrivals. Or i can set a stopping condition at 21 hours. I have set the start time of my simulation at 07:00 (due to worker schedules).

I am experiencing the following problems.

The rate table seems not to generate the right values at the right times. (i have tried both setting the 0700 values at 0000 and 0700 in the rate table). 

The rate table does not stop after generating 21 hours of arrivals.

In my eventual experiments i want to use 2 different rate tables (using different sources) that I scale to vary arrivals in a specif way. It is quite important that I understand how I can make this work.


Do any of you know how I can fix this?



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Just want to remind you that the values in the rate table shows the offset from the simulation start time. Not actual day time. So if your simulation start time is 7 am your first row shows 7 am to 8am time frame and so on.
Hope this helps


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I'm still experiencing the same problem and haven't been able to fix it. I could use a regular arrival table, but then my pattern would not be a non-stationairy poisson process. So I think that I really need to use these rate tables, but somehow the inputs of the rate table don't reflect the outputs.

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