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Probabilistic entity destination selection


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Hi everyone,


I am trying to model entities moving from 10 origins (sources) to 10 destinations (sinks). The entities are simultaneously created according to a certain mix (Entity1 (85%), Entity2 (10%), and Entity3 (5%). However, the number of entities created per event is according to a certain distribution.

There is an OD-matrix that captures the number of entities moving from origin to a specific destination. Let's say there are 10 destinations, than the destinations of the Entities are determined according to the OD-matrix:

  • Entity1 and Entity2 can move to any of of the sinks.
  • Entity3 can only move to one specific sink.

One solution I came up with was to add weights to Connectors and assign destinations using TransferNodes, but I think that this is very inefficient. I then started to work with DataTables, but I cannot figure out how to probabilistically assign the destinations of the entities. 

My question is: how to model the probabilistic destination assignment of Entities using DataTables in such a way that it is relatively easy and flexible to add or remove Sources/Sinks?


I have added the model for you to see, I hope that you can help me! :)

Many thanks in advance


Edited by Toon
Model added
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