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Dynamic Ride On Transporter Request


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Hi all,

I am building a simulation of a system with multiple separators which MemberOutput nodes two different routing policies can occur:

1. Standard Policy
In the 'Standard Policy', each separator has its dedicated transporter assigned to it and entities arriving at the MemberOutputNode can only select the defined transporter. To this end, a DataTable has been constructed.

2. Power Hour policy
In the 'Power Hour Policy', operations are shifted into a higher gear. We select a maximum number of three nearest transporters whose ride request is 0 and include them in the DataTable which specifies the Transporter Selection. Entities arriving at the MemberOutputNode can now request rides from any transporter in the DataTable.

I tried to reference to a DataTable called 'TransporterSelection.EPT' in the Transport Logic of each MemberOutput Node.


Each value in the EPT column is cross-referencing to a DataTable in which I try to assign the MemberInput Nodes as a Node Reference State Variable of the Transporter (EPT).


Is there any way to dynamically assign more (or less for that matter) Transporters to a TransferNode?

Hope that anyone knows how to do this!



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