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Combiner Node

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Hello everybody,

I'm trying to make this work but I cant :(

Type/Conteiner BinBig  BinMed  BinSmall 
Product1 1 1 -
Product2  - 1 1
Product3 1 - 1
Product4  1 1 1


I want to make a node where these entities (Products and Bins) are convined in one batch, I try to use a process based in decitions and search.. 

the file is attached if you wanna take a look on it..

(the product have to be the parent)



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I wouldn't use process for this one. There is a simple approach that you can use by modifying the SimBit "CombineMultipleEntityTypeOntoPallets".

You'll need 3 ModelEntity Integer States to identify the quantity required of each Bin according to the Product. Let's say ModelEntity.Big, ModelEntity.Small and ModelEntity.Med. You can modify "Ops_Exited" step to assign those quantities.

For the Producto1 for example, you'll have ModelEntity.Big == 1, ModelEntity.Med == 1 and ModelEntity.Small == 0. 

A little tip: you can use "Is.Producto1" (or "Is.Producto2", etc) on a decide step to identify which Producto is it.

Now on the Combiner Object, follow the Simbit and change the BatchQuantity, to ModelEntity.Big, ModelEntity.Med and ModelEntity.Small.

This should work.




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Hello Vinicius, 

thank you for you help but I still having problems with the model. I can understand the logic behind of the SimBit "CombineMultipleEntityTypeOntoPallets" but I have some doubts. 

I change the model adding a combiner, I creted a intergrer model entity state to identify the quantity of containers, and I have a real state to identify the container but I dont know how change the batch logic of the container to each product.

In the definitios tab you can see the batch logics. 

I hope you can help me

Best regards. 


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You won't need batch logics of the definition. Just the combiner is enough.

I made a simplified version of your model. Producto1 requires 1 med and 1 big, while Producto 2 requires 1 small and 1 big.

Pay attention to the process that I created at TransferNode1, you'll need to adjust it for the Producto3 and 4. Watch the Combiner Object aswell.

Hope it helps.


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