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Assigning workers to specific servers by work day


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Hello everyone,

I am working on a project for class and am having difficulties assigning workers to specific servers depending on what day it is within the simulation. I have 18 workers and 16 servers. Each worker has their own 25 day schedule. On a given day, there is between 5 and 8 workers on shift and each worker needs to be assigned to 2 specific servers and no other worker should go to those servers on that day. However, due to the different schedules, a given worker will not always be assigned the same rooms they were assigned the previous day. Is it possible to assign each worker a specific server by day? Or is there another way that this might be possible?


Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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If you haven't already done so, I'd start by reviewing the SimBit ResourceSelectionConcepts. It contains several models that explain different types of resource selection. In particular, I'd suggest a combination of the following approaches:

  • Create a table for each Worker (and/or each Server) where columns in the table represent the constraint or exclusions. For example, you might have a server table with columns for each day, and each column might contain a list of workers who can potentially be used on that day.
  • Use resource lists to select from. possibly with exclusion conditions (maybe referring back to a table) of which resources cannot be used on that server and that day.


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I have uploaded an example of what I am trying to accomplish for my project.
In this model, I need the workers to stay and service only one of the servers(rooms) for their entire shift. During their shift, no other worker should go to that assigned room. However, on different days of the week, the worker will be assigned to different rooms.
Ex.) Day 1 - Worker 1 should service room 1, in the morning worker 3 should service room 2 and at night worker 2 should service room 2.
Day 2 - Worker 2 should service room 1, in the morning worker 1 should service room 2 and at night worker 3 should service room 2.
Day 3 - Worker 1 should service room 1 and worker 2 should service room 2.
Day 4 - Worker 3 should should service room 1 in the morning, worker 1 should service room 1 at night, and worker 2 should service room 2 all day
Day 5 - Worker 1 should service room 1 all day, worker 2 should service room 2 during the day, and worker 3 should service room 2 at night.
Is there a way to accomplish this in Simio? All workers are capable of servicing each room, but will be assigned different rooms depending on the day. 


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