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Sharing resources among sub-models


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Is there a way to use the same instances of workers and resources within the "top-level" model as well as other sub-models?

I want to use submodeling really to just compartmentalize the system model and make it easier to digest (I have a large, complex system). I really think I'll just have one instance of each sub-model within my overall model, so I'd like to share workers and resources among all submodels and "processing" objects (servers, combiners, etc.).

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  • 6 years later...

Yeah, i'm wondering the same thing too. I know this topic is a bit old, but hopefully this will bump it. I have a ton of sub-systems and it is easier if I model in smaller pieces, but use the resources/people in the top level model to be seized by all of the sub-models. Thanks!

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Assuming that you are using the word submodel to represent an independently defined object (say WorkCenter) that will be placed in another object (say Plant). In your WorkCenter, every time you reference a resource that is not defined within the scope of WorkCenter, you must define it as a Referenced Property (right click on the property name).

In general, you would set the value of that property when the instance of WorkCenter is placed in Plant, so you are "passing in" the name of the object.

If you KNOW the object name ahead of time, then you may get away with a trick... when you define the Referenced Property, give it a default value of the object defined in the parent (Plant) object. This will display as an error in the WorkCenter object, but that error will be resolved when WorkCenter is placed in Plant which contains the object.



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