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Crane Library - Bridge and Underhung bridge cranes


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Can the Cranes object in the Extras library be sub-classed in the same manner as the Bridge and Underhung cranes? I am running into issues with 3-crane deadlocks in the Cranes object which is why I was looking for something else which could be sub-classed and modified.

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Can the Cranes object in the Extras library be sub-classed in the same manner as the Bridge and Underhung cranes? I am running into issues with 3-crane deadlocks in the Cranes object which is why I was looking for something else which could be sub-classed and modified.
Yes they can. But perhaps you won't need to -- the Cranes in the Extras library do a much better job avoiding deadlocks.
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The documentation for the crane library states that the cranes can have their traversal direction set to either left and right or forward and backward. I wish to use a combination of both in a single model but cannot seem to find the traversal direction. Can you assist?

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  • 3 years later...

Hello ttarken,

A simplified approach might be use a Resource to constrain the system until the required operator is available. If the operator should move with the Crane, a good starting point might be to try seizing a Worker and requesting a move to the pickup Node. Then, you could try using a Move step to move the Worker from the pickup Node to the drop-off Node with the Crane. 

Please see below a link to a similar post discussing how to use two Cranes to move a single entity. The example model attached to the other post might provide guidance for your application.


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