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Bidirectional conveyor


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Is there anyone who have faced the similar situation.

There is a kind of roller conveyor, on which the entity can have bi-direction.

Normally, it will move forward, but once there is a empty space detected, the control system

will move the conveyor back to fill the empty space...that means, it will not allow empty space on

the conveyor , as entity are coming onto the conveyor not continuously...

Is there a workaround for this or already a enhancement for the existing conveyors?

In this situation, we need to use conveyor object,as we have to define cells on the conveyor.so could not use a bidirectional path or timepath....

Any help are appreciated...thanks.

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If jumping from position to position is adequate, I might try a Storage with its queue animated.

If you need more detail than that, I would probably create a custom object with the entities moved exactly how and where you want them using Free Space.

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Now I used a server with multiple capacity to be a rough-cut simulation....

Just curious about your FREE SPACE approach, can you provide a bit more details ???

After subclassing CONVEYOR, there is a property called TYPE which can allow bi-directional conveyor, but still not make it work successfully,, trying ..............

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