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Interrupt Task and resume task


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I have a question. It is about Interrupting" task sequence" operation. Tried a few solution and don’t work…:

Say MyServer1 has a task sequence( 3 OPERATION) , within the task sequence logic, it seizes MyWorker1. after it finished the current task,it release the worker.

I have a Button,that trigger a event, and it will have to interrupt the current task on MyServer1, and the worker go to transport things in below area . and then it go back and resume his previous task(with some remaining work) at MyServer1…

I checked the processes inside Server Object ,there is a process called PerformProcessingTask. , but how can I know what is the Worker’s current task and I need it to resume that pending job after doing something else(usually a work with higher priority )??Attached is a small model we build to show the problem。Any suggestion are highly appreciated


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If you set up the tasks within the Task Sequence to be of Process Type 'Process Name' where the processing logic/delay is specified within a specific process, you could then use the Interrupt step to interrupt the process (given that the Delay step within the process has the Interruptible property set to 'True'.

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But if I have lots of servers and each has many task Sequence operation, it will be a big issue, have to populate two many processes

Seems it is better to embed the logic into Server's task sequence,using some flag................

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