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ExcelWrite Problem

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I'm having problems with ExcelWrite process. I have a few months in Simio and I didn't have this problem before.

I need to write the "TestTime" of every entity in the system after the first test (server).

1) I created an Excel Document.

2) I created and excel connection.

3) I linked the excel connection with my excel document.

4) I made a process.

4.1) I made an assign, where an "i" integer variable take the value "i+1" so i can write all the data in different rows.

4.2) I added the ExcelWrite process to write the data that I need. This data is "i" and "TestTime"

5) I used the add-on process triggers to use the process (4 step)

6) I ran the model.

7) I went to my Excel Document and It was empty :(

I will attach my model, so you can see what I'm doing wrong. :|

P.S. : I have Microsoft Excel 2010


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In Excel file (1.xlsx) the sheet name must be the same as you entered in the excel write step's worksheet property (Hoja1). Moreover, note that you need not to enter a path name if you place 1.xlsx file in the same folder the simio file that you are running exist. You only need to set the excel file name "1.xlsx" in the ExcelConnect1 elements workbook property.

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In Excel file (1.xlsx) the sheet name must be the same as you entered in the excel write step's worksheet property (Hoja1). Moreover, note that you need not to enter a path name if you place 1.xlsx file in the same folder the simio file that you are running exist. You only need to set the excel file name "1.xlsx" in the ExcelConnect1 elements workbook property.


I tried what you say, but it didn't work anyway :(

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see attached files. place both of them on desktop and open run simio file. It does not work properly because path 3's none of the add-on processes work (i.e., I set process 2 for 4 add-ons of Path 3 but it does not write to excel. In order to make it work properly I defined an add-on process to first test's output note (set process 2 for exited add-on of first test) and it works. This should be a bug and must be fixed. Pls report this to support team.



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