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Task Sequence Action Type and Consumption/Production Type Referencing (Material/Bill of Material)


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Hi all,

I want to create a list of tasks from data table which I will use in the server objects tasks sequence. When I want to refer to all of the properties of material requirements to data tables, I am facing a restriction as follows:

a) I can refer the material "Action Type" (Consume\Produce) property from server object to data table by adding an "MaterialActionType" enumeration property to data table.

b) If referencing in a) was NOT done, for the selected action type (lets say produce was selected), I can refer the "production type" (Material/Bill of Materials) property by adding a "MaterialOptions" enumeration property to data table. 

However, when I do the task in a) an additional row appears in server object, now showing both consumption type and production type in properties. Then I am unable to set reference to data table as in b) any more.

Is it possible to refer BOTH "Action Type" (Consume/Produce) and  "Material Options" (Material/BOM) simulatenously? If yes how? 

Could you please guide?

Kind regards,


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